1. Subject of Agreement

1.1. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the Company’s services provision The Company provides the following services to the Customer: performing operations in financial markets, performing transactions with financial tools either presenting or not presenting on the organized market. This Agreement also sets forth the order of payments between the Parties, in connection with the aforementioned services provision. Accepting this Agreement the Client guarantees the following:

1.1.1. In case the Client is a private person, he/she is a legal person of age. In case the Client is a legal entity, the entity is capable and no one except the Client has any rights of demand or obligation in respect to the transactions performed in the Client’s trading account.

1.1.2. All the transactions on the Client’s trading account are performed in compliance with this Agreement.

1.1.3. In case of any change or modification of personal data or expiration of personal identification documents, the Client is obliged within 3 business days to inform the Company of such changes/expiration. The notification must be sent by email containing the Client’s first and last name, account number(s), phone, as well as Client’s valid passport or ID and recent proof of residential address. The notification must be signed, scanned and sent to support@MurFX.com from the email the Client submitted during his/her account registration. The Company has the right to request other verification documents in order to verify the Client and comply with applicable know-your-client regulations. Any delay or failure to comply with this clause shall amount to breach of these Agreement by the Client and can lead to closure of the Client’s account(s). In case the Client is a private person he submits the registration form personally. If a legal entity, the form is submitted by the person in charge.

Client’s Representation

1.2.1. The Client represents and warrants that he/she is free to enter into this Agreement, to perform each of the terms and covenants contained herein and that he/she is not restricted or prohibited, contractually or otherwise, from entering into or performing under this Agreement and that his/her execution of and performance under this Agreement is not a violation or breach of any other agreement between the Company and any other person or entity.

1.2.2. The Client understands and expressly agrees that the Company shall exercise its right to monitor activity of the Client and verify consistency of Client’s behavior and trading activities on the Company’s platform.

1.2.3. The Client further represents that he/she has complete understanding and is agreeing with all terms and conditions of this Agreement.

2. Company’s Services

2.1. The term “Company’s services” refers to any interactive services or software provided by the Company, which allow the Client to:

2.1.1. Connect the Company or authorized third Party, receive information and/or quotes from the Company or authorized third party;

2.1.2. Perform transactions on financial markets through the Company by means of Metatrader 5 software, including electronic data transmission between the Client’s PC (or any similar device) connected to the Internet and the Company’s authorized network;

2.2. Accepting this Agreement the Client confirms he/she has read the communication rules and agrees that he/she is only able to perform orders by means of trading terminal and the Company’s live chat only.

2.3. Company's services include Metatrader 5 software pack, technical analysis means and any third parties' services offered along with the Company's services.

2.4. The Client confirms that the Company may modify, add, rename or leave unmodified the Company’s services offered in compliance with this Agreement without prior notification. The Client also confirms that the Agreement is applied to the services which may be modified, added or renamed in future in addition to the services provided by the Company at present.

2.5. As far as trading operations are concerned the Company only provides execution, not providing any asset management or recommendations.

2.6. The Company is not liable to (unless set forth in this Agreement):

2.6.1. Track any Client’s trading operation status and inform the Client about it;

2.6.2. Close any Client’s open position;

2.6.3. Attempt to execute any Client’s order by different quotes than the quotes offered in Metatrader 5 trading platform

2.6.4 Trades are only allowed for 3 minutes holding and more Scalping, mirco second, HFT, Arbitrage is not allowed.

2.7. Company’s services do not include providing recommendations or information capable of engaging the Client to perform any transactions. In exceptional cases the Company reserves a right to provide information, recommendations or advice to the Client, however, in these cases the Company will not be responsible for any consequences of such recommendations and advice. Despite the Company reserves a right to close or decline any Client’s position, all the trading operations performed by the Client as a result of imprecise information and/or mistake still remain in force and are mandatory for both the Client and the Company.

2.8. The Company is not a tax agent and acts under the legislation of Belize. The Parties comply with their tax and/or any other obligations independently and on their own.

2.9. The Company reserves a right to decline the Client and offer him/her to withdraw the deposit in case his/her activity or interaction with the Company is deemed inappropriate and/or incorrect.

2.10. No actual supply of the currency or base asset of a CFD is made within a trading operation. All the profits and losses are deposited/deducted from the Client’s trading account balance immediately after the position closure.

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